The Flight

Our flight got cancelled!!! What a bloody joke! So annoying. So we were just sitting there chilling drinking our free wine, and I checked my emails then notice I have one from Bravo Fly telling me the air plane company whatever it was have cancelled that flight from Xi’an to Shanghai and I will have…

Beijing – Art District

This is my favourite part of Beijing, it’s so chill and artsy I simply love it and don’t want to leave. I would recommend coming here over any other part of the city. Forget the tourist traps, this is the place to be. It’s wonderful, inspiring, relaxing, exciting, and every other positive adjective out there!…

Forbidden City, Jingshan Park and the Wonderfully Ordinary Street

Third day in Beijing, the sun is shining and the smog is almost non-existent! An ideal day to check out the tourist hot spots and check out some pretty buildings. We started the day off going to Tienanmen Square which is pretty damn big, then walked through the underpass to make our way in to…

The Great Wall

We went to the Great Wall today and it was absolutely amazing! There was minimal crowds and it was snowing, which just makes everything looks more beautiful. It kinda made walking a bit difficult since it was so slippy, but did not ruin the experience in the slightest So me, Caitlin and her aunt Courtney…